Killing Cancer Not People

Killing Cancer Not People is written to be understood. It is written in a straight-forward manner so people who are seriously looking for a healthier way of life and/or how to prevent and survive cancer WITHOUT caustic chemicals, radiation and surgery.

Book Killing Cancer Not PeopleThe information in Killing Cancer – Not People is the result of many years of research and dedication to learning how to keep our bodies healthy in order to best prevent disease, and how to help our body heal itself as God intended – naturally. NOT “being a doctor” is actually an advantage when it comes to interviewing ordinary people who underwent conventional “cures” only to find their condition worsened, people who made the decision soon enough to seek an alternative treatment to drugs, real doctors and clinics who offer natural, non-chemical treatments, and then be able to compile his findings in book form to be shared with his fellow man. You cannot make an informed decision about your health unless you’ve “done your homework”. This book should be #1 in your library if you’re serious about healthy living.

Please watch this video as an introduction to the Book.

The American Anti Cancer Institutes Opinion of AIW (Alkaline Ionized Water)

The AACI chose Alkaline Ionized water as our Number One recommended natural product for cancer patients and cancer prevention due to the combination of three unique properties it possesses:“AIW” is: 1) alkaline in pH; 2) powerfully antioxidant; 3) restructured.

We believe AIW to be essential to health and wellness for anyone (well or sick) especially cancer patients whose body pH can become dangerously acidic—particularly during and after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. If you’ve been referred to this page by someone who owns an ionizer and you’re interested in buying one, make sure to get the very best.

Robert G Wright: “I believe that ionized water is a mandatory, baseline requirement for those with cancer!”

We recommend a particular company in our first book in a series, “Killing Cancer – Not People.” That company is Enagic and it’s Kangen Water